Vermont Technical College
Fire Science Program
Scholarship Application Guidelines
Description: A maximum scholarship of Fifteen hundred dollars (1,500.00)
The scholarship(s) shall be awarded annually to a student or students who currently or plan to attend the fire science program at Vermont Technical College (VTC). The student(s) must pursue a course of study leading to an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree in the area of fire science at Vermont Technical College. The scholarship(s) are to be applied to room, board, tuition, books, laboratory, and similar fees for the student and shall be paid by the Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont directly to the institution on behalf of the student.
Any student(s) attending or who are accepted to the VTC Fire Science Program is eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Any student(s) who are awarded the scholarship must be in good standing with a passing grade to receive said scholarship after the 1st semester.
Deadlines: The PFFV Scholarship Fund will accept applications from March 1st to May 1st of each academic year. All applications must be signed and postmarked no later than May 1st of each calendar year and clearly marked, “Professional Firefighters VTC Scholarship Fund”. All awards will be announced by June 1st of that calendar year. Any inquiries shall be made to the Professional Firefighters of Vermont, PO Box 831, Montpelier, VT 05601 or by calling (800) 305-5510
VTC Scholarship.pdf